Janay Alexander-Gilchrist

Janay Alexander-Gilchrist
Member of ANLP, Member of The Association for Integrative Psychology
Janay is a qualified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Hypnobirthing practitioner, Master NLP Practitioner & Buteyko Method Breathing Practitioner. But, importantly a mother, a wife, a daughter & a friend.
Janay’s passion for helping others with breathing difficulties comes from her own journey with asthma. Janay was diagnosed with asthma at 6 years old, her condition impacted her ability to enjoy physical activity, sports & recreational activities as a child. The long term effects were sinusitis, allergies, mouth breathing, dental issues, TMJ issues, memory & concentration.
Janay says: “For the first time in my life I feel like I can leave the house without my asthma pump!. It’s taken me 52 years to find a way of breathing that actually improves my quality of life.
This information should be shared every person with asthma – it’s amazing to know there is a technique out there that is free, easy to use & available at any time to anyone.
The impact of breathing is far reaching: breathing correctly improves sleep, concentration, ability to do physical activity & exercise. It also helps with digestion & supports your body’s natural immune system - so you are healthier. Your energy levels are better & your quality of life is vastly improved through breathing correctly.
The Buteyko Breathing Exercises do not cure asthma but they drastically reduce the symptoms & the need for medication. It is truly life changing!”
Janay is based in Pretoria, South Africa, offering in-person classes as well as online sessions.