Non-Buteyko Breathing Exercises

  There  are many  and  varied breathing  therapies,  plenty of which I have tried, particularly when I was really suffering from my asthma. However, I can honestly say that Buteyko is the  only one  that  has ever produced  lasting  results  for me. There is evidence...

Exercise: Strategy for Abdominal Breathing

  To find out if you are breathing  with your diaphragm:   ✦   Hold  one  hand  across  your  breastbone   and  the  other hand  on your tummy.  At rest there  should  be no upper chest movement  and  only very small movement  of the tummy.  The  tummy  will...

Exercise: Reduced breathing for children

  We use a different  method,  called ‘Steps’, to help  children understand the  process  of improving  their  carbon  dioxide levels, simply because  children  may  have  difficulty  using Exercise One.  More  detailed  information on  helping  children is...

More on the Control Pause

The  level of  carbon  dioxide  in  the  body  determines the length  of  time  the  breath  can  be  held:  a higher  level of carbon  dioxide  corresponds  to  a longer  breath  hold.  The table above was developed by Professor Buteyko after he had measured  the...
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