ana 2 768x769Dr. sc. Ana Klikovac, akreditirana praktičarka Buteyko metode disanja pri Buteyko Clinic International. Diplomu Buteyko metode disanja stekla je kod Patricka McKeowna u Irskoj, nakon edukacije i kliničke prakse u Dublinu, Corku i Galwayu.

Vlasnica je tvrtke Annah d.o.o. za homeopatiju i potporu zdravlju u Zagrebu, gdje obavlja savjetovanja i edukaciju u području prirodnih metoda iscjeljivanja.

Diplomirana je homeopatkinja. Završila je Internacionalnu klasičnu i francusku školu homeopatije te Školu napredne homeopatije u Zagrebu. Poslijediplomski program za izučavanje Organona završila je pri Međunarodnoj akademiji klasične homeopatije u Grčkoj. Kliničku praksu i stručno usavršavanje obavila je na The Other Song međunarodnoj akademiji za naprednu homeopatiju u Indiji, gdje se specijalizirala za rad prema metodi osjeta u homeopatiji. Diplomu Detox homeopatske terapije stekla je u Nizozemskoj. Certificirani je CEASE terapeut za homeopatsku terapiju kod slučajeva autizma.

Edukaciju o Bachovim kapima završila je u Bachovu centru u Engleskoj te je registrirana praktičarka Bachove zaklade (BFRP). Također je u Bachovu centru završila program za učitelja Bachovih kapi za prvi stupanj te je time postala prvi certificirani Level 1 učitelj u Hrvatskoj. Svoja predavanja i radionice o Bachovim kapima drži u Annah centru za homeopatiju i potporu zdravlju u Zagrebu. Prevela je veći broj radova dr. Edwarda Bacha na hrvatski jezik te je pripremila i uredila knjigu Izliječi sebe i ostali kompletni radovi dr. Edwarda Bacha.

Savjetnica je za Schuesslerove tkivne soli i analizu lica. Također provodi edukaciju za Scheusslerove soli i analizu lica.

Ovlaštena je praktičarka za Australske Bush cvjetne esencije (Bush kapi).


Ana Klikovac, Ph.D. is an accredited instructor of the Buteyko breathing method at Buteyko Clinic International. She obtained her diploma from Patrick McKeown in Ireland after education and clinical practice in Dublin, Cork and Galway.

She is an owner of company Annah d.o.o. for homeopathy and health support in Zagreb, where she provides counseling and education in the field of natural healing methods.

She completed the International School of Classical and French Homeopathy and the School of Advanced Homeopathy in Zagreb. She completed the postgraduate program “Organon” at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece. Her clinical practice and professional training was at The Other Song International Academy for Advanced Homeopathy in India, where she specialized in working with the sensation method in homeopathy. Diploma of Homeopathic Detox Therapy was acquired in the Netherlands, where she is listed in the register of the therapist of HDT method. She is a certified CEASE therapist for autism.

She is registered at The Bach Center in England as Bach Foundation Registered Instructor. She is also a certified Level 1 teacher in Croatia. She edited a number of works by Dr. Edward Bach in the Croatian language and prepared and edited the book on Bach Flower Remedies.

She is a consultant and teacher for Schuessler’s tissue salts and facial analysis.

She is a certified instructor for the Australian Bush Flower Essences.

Kontakt – Contact:

Ana Klikovac, Ph.D.

Annah d.o.o.

Domašinečka ulica 4, Vrbani, 10110 Zagreb

Mobile: +385993221312

e-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

web: www.annah.hr

Hrvoje Filipcic photoHrvoje Filipčić, MBPI, Diplomirani je instruktor Buteyko metode disanja i certificirani instruktor za Oxygen Advantage® program.

Nakon nešto manje od dva desetljeća rada u korporativnom sektoru, dijelom u velikoj multinacionalnoj, a dijelom na menadžerskoj poziciji jedne od vodećih hrvatskih kompanija, odlučuje se za promjenu i osobni rast dijeljenjem znanja koje je stekao kroz vježbe disanja višegodišnjom praksom yoge kao tradicionalno istočnjačkog pristupa te Buteyko metode kao znanstveno elaboriranog zapadnjačkog pristupa temi.

Rekreativno se bavi ronjenjem na dah i strast prema toj prekrasnoj disciplini svakodnevno osnažuje spoznajama iz Oxygen Advantage programa.

Hrvoje Filipčić is a Member of Buteyko Professionals International. He obtained a Diploma in Buteyko Breathing Method from Patrick McKeown and is a certified master instructor in Oxygen Advantage® program.

Hrvoje is also a pilates and yoga instructor according to the program verified by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

He is recreational freediver and has a status of Advanced Freediver (PSS).

His own problems with breathing from his earliest childhood pushed him to seek a solution for them, and quite early in his life he encountered teachers and classical exercises of the Indian and later the Russian school of breathing. Hrvoje transferred his 30 years of experience in practicing breathing techniques to work with adults and children in order to facilitate a wide range of problems that can be effectively influenced by breathing and psychophysiological relaxation exercises.

Hrvoje is the owner of the website akademijadisanija.com and he published Patrick’s bestseller The Oxygen Advantage in order to promote awareness of proper and effective breathing in his homeland, either to improve the quality of life of an individual or to improve performance in sports and the corporate milieu.

During his professional career, he held managerial position and published articles on professional topics for magazine related to management and finance.

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.akademijadisanja.com
Tel: +385 99 3172 489

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