Aleksandra Sable


9Aleksandra Sable

Aleksandra Sable is a Registered Respiratory Therapist and Sleep Disorders Specialist. She was trained and certified at Buteyko Clinic International by Patrick McKeown. In addition, she earned her Master’s Degree in Medicine from Ural State Medical University, Russia.

Aleksandra’s main interests have always been pulmonary medicine and the science of breathing. She specializes in all aspects of pulmonary and sleep medicine, as well as complications such as anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, and ADD.

Aleksandra’s primary focus and expertise is in cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, chronic and acute bronchitis, recurrent pneumonia, and asthma. As a Sleep Disorders Specialist she is actively involved in the diagnosis and treatment of Sleep Related Breathing Disorders such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Central Sleep Apnea, Mixed and Complex Sleep Apnea, and Restless Legs Syndrome.

Aleksandra provides patient education and in many cases incorporates Buteyko principles as an additional application to traditional PAP therapy. In 2014, Aleksandra was recognized as a worldwide leader in healthcare and Top Respiratory Therapist by The International Association of Respiratory Therapists in San Diego, California. Aleksandra goes by Sasha. She is always happy to answer any questions her pediatric or adult patients and clients may have.

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