Buteyko United Arab Emirates

Timea Toporová - DubaiTimea Toporová – Dubai

Hello! My name is Timea. I am from Slovakia, currently based in Dubai. I am working as physiotherapist, personal trainer, Crossfit trainer and Yoga teacher.

I like to work with any kind of people. Doesn’t matter if they are young, old, athletes or people who want to start their journey towards the healthy lifestyle. I was always interested in breathing and after my experience how it can change life, I would like to send this message further.

Contact details:
[email protected]

Dragana JovanovicDragana Jovanovic – Abu Dhabi

Pozdrav svima, trenutno boravim u Abu Dabiju, ali sam često i u Srbiji i biće mi čast da Vas vodim na put oporavka gde prvenstveno pomažete sebi na mnogo nivoa, uz moju nesebičnu podršku. Rođena sam u Surdulici i živim na relaciji Abu Dhabi – Novi Sad.

Dragana is a lifelong learner and a migraine warrior. She realized that migraines were controlling her life and decided to take action, turning to yoga, meditation, and breathing to help manage her symptoms. She found that Buteyko breathing had powerful benefits beyond pain management and decided to pursue certifications in Buteyko breathing. Since then, she has dedicated her time to continuously learning about breathing and yoga.

She obtained her certifications in Buteyko breathing and vinyasa yoga from world-renowned teachers.

Dragana developed a passion for helping others find healing within their own bodies through her personal practice and study of anatomy and respiratory physiology. Her goal is to support anyone struggling with health issues or stress by improving their internal state. She believes in providing an individual approach to teaching and offers personal training online and in person for adults as well as for kids. Dragana has extensive experience teaching children, which contributes to a well-structured pedagogical approach to her teaching. Currently based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Dragana is originally from Serbia.

Her favorite proverb, “Still waters run deep,” can be applied to what happens with regular breathing practice.

Contact details:

E-mail: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buteyko_breathing_journal/
Blog: https://nulladiessineyoga.com/

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