Aki Tsuchiyagaito

Aki Tsuchiyagaito
Dr. Aki Tsuchiyagaito, a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, received her education from the University of Tokyo and earned a Ph.D. in Child Development from Osaka University. She is certified as a Buteyko Clinic Method Instructor by Patrick McKeown in the USA. Her career has been dedicated to developing effective treatments for mental health disorders, specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She also possesses expertise in research using EEG, MRI, and real-time fMRI neurofeedback, making her uniquely qualified to teach Buteyko Breathwork. Being certified as a Buteyko Clinic Method Instructor has significantly enhanced her approach by integrating neuroscience with powerful breathing strategies. Her holistic perspective appreciates the nuances of breathing patterns and neuroscience, guiding children and adults in re-educating dysfunctional habits and facilitating healthier breathing and brain functioning. Dr. Tsuchiyagaito welcomes children and adults from anywhere in the world for online sessions, where she harnesses the transformative power of breath and brain science to unlock her clients' full potential. こんにちは。米国オクラホマ州在住、脳神経科学者で臨床心理士の土屋垣内晶です。東京大学卒、大阪大学博士号(小児発達学)取得。パトリック・マキューンよりビュテイコ・クリニック・メソッド・インストラクター認定。現在アメリカで、機能的呼吸・呼吸再教育に携わるとともに、認知行動療法の専門家として、脳波、MRI、リアルタイムfMRIニューロフィードバックなどの脳神経科学・心理生理学の研究に従事しています。 メンタルヘルス・脳神経科学の専門家として、ホリスティックな視点からクライアント様の心身の健康およびウェルビーイング向上のお手伝いをしています。大人・子ども問わず、世界中のどこからでも、英語・日本語で対応しています。