Joanna Bortel

Joanna Bortel – Clinical Neurologopedist, Media Voice Emission Therapist, Certified Manual Therapy of the Larynx Practitioner, Instructor of the Buteyko Breathing Method, Doctor Vox Voice Therapy, LAX VOX, and Myofunctional Therapist. Specialist in voice rehabilitation of various etiologies and a member of the Polish Voice Rehabilitation Society.
My work is, above all, my greatest passion, allowing me to fully engage in the rehabilitation process. In speech therapy, I always search for the underlying pathomechanism—the root cause of the patient’s dysfunctions and challenges. I firmly believe that only therapy conducted this way is effective because it is targeted and answers the question “why?” This approach enables a successful rehabilitation process. Breathwork is one of the most important tools in the therapy I provide.
In my practice, I integrate various supportive techniques, such as sensory processing therapy, hand therapy, music therapy, neurological massage, cranial nerve therapy, and olfactory, tactile, and auditory stimulation, creating a comprehensive rehabilitation approach.
I have completed numerous trainings in voice therapy, myofunctional therapy, orthodontic patient therapy, oral-facial area electrostimulation, kinesiotaping according to the Ester de Ruh method, therapy for aphasia, speech disorders, surdologopedics, central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), and many others.
I am passionate about horseback riding, classical music, painting, and psychology. I work with both children and adults.
Phone: +48 692 487 521
Facebook: Praktyka logopedyczna Joanna Bortel