Joyce Dendy

Growing up with asthma, I wouldn’t let it interfere with my desire to run and play sports. Had I listened to my doctors I would be a “walking medicine cabinet” likely with limited ability to be active. When I was 13 I was thrown from a horse, but got back in the saddle. My first experience with back spasms occurred while playing high school basketball. Years later, an x-ray revealed a spondylolisthesis; surgery wasn’t an option.
These experiences influenced my desire to learn about alternative methods for controlling my asthma and alleviating pain. I earned a BA in Biology from Anna Maria College and a MS in Nutrition from Boston University. I founded Affirmative Fitness in 1995. My quest for knowledge lead me to Z-Health where I earned a Master Trainer Certification; US Squash earning a Level 1 Coach Certification; NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and HKC Kettlebell Instructor.
I am a Training and Performance Coach and Dietitian, incorporating a neurocentric approach to identify and retrain dysfunctional movement and breathing patterns. The Buteyko Clinic Method complements my practice. Breathing, spinal and pelvic stability, and movement are intimately tied. My clients typically have pain and performance issues, including back pain, postural and balance issues, post-Covid complications, asthma, snoring, and sleep apnea.