Linke Myofunctional Therapy
Certified Instructor of Buteyko Clinic International
Linke Myofunctional Therapy
United States , Tacoma , 98407-1539About Me
Hello, I’m Linke Myofunctional Therapy, a certified instructor at Buteyko Clinic International.
My background is dental hygiene, and I am now working as a myofunctional therapist in Tacoma, WA.
I work with children and adults who are looking for therapy with myofunctional disorders such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, TMJ pain, sleep and breathing issues and many other orofacial muscle dysfunctions, including muscle dysfunctions with swallowing.
I work with children and adults who are looking for therapy with myofunctional disorders such as mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, TMJ pain, sleep and breathing issues and many other orofacial muscle dysfunctions, including muscle dysfunctions with swallowing.
Contact Me
United States
, Tacoma
, 98407-1539