Elaine Stavert

I am a registered Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist, Iridologist, Kinesiologist, Reiki Master, Buteyko Breathing Instructor. My "About Me" page can be read more fully here https://www.gutfeelings.uk/AboutMe
After a stroke necessitating the sale of my Natural Toiletries business, I wanted to understand how stress, diet, lifestyle and the environment affects the gut-brain connection. Fascinated with the root causes of symptoms, I trained in many modalities to heal myself, and help clients understand the pathway to their dis-ease. I am is passionate about empowering clients by helping them understand their unique predispositions and constitutions.
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy provides a holistic approach that encourages the body’s innate healing ability, which in turn helps to address the root cause of imbalance, create sustainable healing, and promote long term health and vibrancy.
In a non-judgmental consultation, I look into your whole history and potential genetic pre-dispositions going back two generations, your lifestyle, diet and environment, your likes, dislikes and motivations. With a no "diet" approach, I guide, educate and motivate you to begin taking charge of your own health by making gradual adjustments in your diet, lifestyle, breathing and environment to help restore balance to your mind and body.