Philip O'Dea

Philip O'Dea
Buteyko Clinic Instructor Philip O’Dea has qualified as a Buteyko Clinic Instructor. Philip is living in Co. Clare and is practicing both in person and online in the beautiful vale of Belvoir, Sixmilebridge, close to the 12 O'Clock hills. I also teach The Alexander Technique. I became interested in the Buteyko method when I was training to become an Alexander Technique Teacher when I was staying in Galway. My house mate attended the Buteyko seminars and we started to wear the tape at night and doing the exercises. I continue to use the tape on my mouth at night and follow the exercises. I took a seminar with Patrick earlier this year and decided to train so as to teach the Buteyko method. I would have been a combination of nose and mouth breather as a child often waking up in the morning with a dry mouth, since wearing the tape I don’t experience a dry mouth. Through the training I have learnt a lot about the Biochemistry of the breath, which I will add to my experience of the importance of breathing through the nose and diaphragmatic breathing, allowing greater freedom of movement of the lower ribs, back and pelvis and coming more into the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system. I am passionate to help adults and teenagers in the re-education of the breath, especially in relation to unconscious breathing habits and anxiety.