
Anne mccaw imgAnne McCaw – Co. Clare

Having struggled with continuous chest infections, Anne trained in the Buteyko Method under Patrick McKeown in 2018. Learning about the connection between mouth breathing, the development of a child’s jaw and teeth and its negative effect on facial structure, Anne attended a Functional Dental practice where it was found that she was tongue-tied. For Anne, this discovery explained her seemingly slow response time and restriction of expression, while simultaneously longing to express. A tongue-tie release and myofunctional therapy (training each facial muscle to function as they were meant to) enables her to breathe optimally.

Anne has gained huge respect for her body as she understands the challenges it has experienced in the past in order to function, as each muscle that was not working effectively had a domino effect on the others. She also has huge respect for herself as she realises the hoops she had to jump through to perform simple tasks such as chewing and swallowing as a result of the tongue tie and misalignment of her jaw. Benefiting so much from Buteyko Breathing Anne loves to pass on this method to others. She teaches in one-to-one sessions and is also available to work with groups.

Contact Anne
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +353 86 874 43 65

fi portraitButeyko Cork

Fiadhnat O Meara BSc (Hons) Physio, MISCP, MBPI

Fi O’Meara is a Chartered Physiotherapist who qualified with a first class honours degree from Trinity College in 2005. Fi initially specialised in stroke rehabilitation with adults, before moving into Paediatrics. She spent 7 years working with children with physical disabilities both at home with Enable Ireland Wicklow, and also abroad. However having always had an interest in oral and facial development, she became increasingly aware of the impact of mouth-breathing on her young clients. And so in 2015 she traveled to New York to study with the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. She then followed this by completing the Buteyko Instructor Training under the tutelage of Patrick McKeown. Fi is also a qualified craniosacral therapist.

Fi mostly teaches Buteyko through one-to-one sessions but occasionally runs courses  also. She works from Barefoot Physio on the Model Farm Road in Cork City. Fi also offers appointments by Skype.

For further information contact Fi:

Address: Fi O’Meara, Barefoot Physio, Unit 13 Melbourne Bunsiness Park, Model Farm Road, Cork
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 086 3660120
Skype: fiomearadent

Brian MurphyButeyko Cork

Brian Murphy BA (Hons), PGDipEd, MBPI

Brian Murphy is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. He is also a trained Primary School Teacher and has 13 years experience teaching children and teenagers in many different educational settings. He was diagnosed with asthma in 2013 after suffering from a severe chest infection and bronchitis. After this diagnosis Brian decided to learn the Buteyko Breathing Technique. Within days he knew that he had found a way to manage his asthma and chest problems. He has lived medication free ever since.

Brian is a keen sportsman who has played many sports from a young age. He is a regular participant in triathlons. The Buteyko Breathing Technique has greatly improved his capacity to train at a high level. As a person who works day in day out with children in primary schools Brian can see first hand the effects of poor breathing habits on children’s academic progress and concentration levels. As a Buteyko Practioner Brian wishes to teach people of all ages the importance of correct, efficient breathing. He knows from personal experience that breathing correctly can have a transformational effect on a person’s health,well-being and sports performance.

I have designed my Breathing Programmes to be Practical and Informational with support required to make the changes to your Breathing patterns and habits. Please find below links to 2 of the Videos I have created,  One teaching a practical Breathing Exercise and the other the science behind the breath.  These are just 2 examples of the 12 videos I have created to support the Zoom Calls in The Breathing Programme. 

Learn about the importance of Nose Breathing to harness the benefits of the gas Nitric Oxide in our bodies. The anti-viral and anti-microbial qualities of Nitric Oxide are more important now that ever before. My website 

Many People have heard that ” Deep Breathing” is good for them but are not sure how exactly to do it. In this video I teach a deep breathing exercise that allows for better oxygenation of the body. As with all our breath work we focus on the importance and value of Nose Breathing. Hope you benefit from the information and exercise.

For further information contact Brian
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 087 7738616

EoinBurnsButeyko Kerry

Eoin Burns BE (Hons), C Eng, MBA, FBPI

Eoin Burns has fully qualified as Buteyko Clinic Instructor, trained by Patrick McKeown. Eoin is living in Fenit and conducts clinics in the Kerry region. Eoin learned this technique in 2003 and trained as an instructor in 2008. Eoin is a UCG/ NUIG (degree in engineering) and DIT (masters in business) graduate. An active sportsman, Eoin uses buteyko techniques to improve his sports performance and will teach you to maximise the efficiency of your breathing for everyday breathing and sports performance. Eoin currently holds clinics in Tralee, Killarney and Listowel. Eoin will also provide enhanced breathing training for sporting clubs and other interested groups by appointment in other locations.

Telephone: 086 8049440

Email: [email protected]


Buteyko Kerry

Dan Cremin, Dip BBM, MBPI

Kenmare based Buteyko Instructor.

Contact Dan
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0872888840

muiris ferrisButeyko Kerry

Muiris Ferris

Dingle based, Muiris Ferris suffered from insomnia and chronic fatigue since he was very young. During his search to deal with chronic fatigue, Muiris tried a multitude of vitamins and minerals, B12 injections, Live Cell therapy, Ozone therapy, Chelation therapy, Transcendental Meditation plus TM Siddha programme. However, none of these approaches addressed Muiris’ chronic fatigue and insomnia.

Muiris first learned about buteyko after he read a newspaper article which gave an account of how the Buteyko Breathing Method cured an individual with Chronic fatigue. By checking online, Muiris was able to locate Eoin Burns- a very good Buteyko instructor in Kerry and attended a four session course with him.

Straight away, Muiris had a good feeling about the Buteyko Method, and the proven science behind it. Furthermore, he was receiving the practical tools to deal with his condition. With continued and sustained practise of the exercises, Muiris received results pretty quickly. Sometimes progress was slow, but always steadily improving all of the time. Within six months, the fatigue which Muiris for forty years was reduced by at least 70%, the pains in his joints and night sweats disappeared and he no longer felt cold all of the time. His sleep quality also considerably improved.

As each month goes by, Muiris continues to improve – so much so that he decided to train with Patrick McKeown, and become a Buteyko instructor himself. Muiris will be teaching Buteyko in Dingle, Co Kerry.

Contact Muiris
Email: [email protected]
mobile: 0872528937

Ronan O Brien imgButeyko Limerick

Ronan O’Brien

As founder of a corporate wellness Provider in Limerick, Ronan has been designing and delivering health programmes for individuals, families and companies for more than 10 years. His ethos and focus is on helping and empowering people to enjoy a positive and balanced life of health. This is achieved via techniques that connect the mind and body with the coaching of goals and habits that support individuals to better manage the physical and mental stresses we all encounter every day.

Ronan’s expertise and qualifications include, strength and conditioning coaching; sports therapy & injury rehabilitation; postural awareness and correction; massage; and has attend & completed the Buteyko & Oxygen Advantage training with Patrick McKeown in 2019/2020. Ronan blends breath ‘Breathwave’ meditation and relaxation techniques (currently holding weekly online zoom sessions) also empowers clients to achieve better sleep with breathing techniques & habits.

If you are a person / organisation with challenged health or breathing difficulties, and you are needing to get support & treatment then I’d be happy to take your enquiry and if I am not the professional you need I’d hope to point you in the right direction for who is.

Working and Living in the Limerick /Clare territory of Ireland.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +353 879454048

Mike Holden imgMike Holden – Buteyko Tipperary, Offaly, Limerick

Mike is a qualified and accredited psychotherapist seeing clients in Nenagh, North Tipperary and online. He is a keen cyclist and runner and believes that that Buteyko Breathing has improved his speed, stamina and recovery. He also has a degree in engineering and was first attracted to the Buteyko method due to the amount of scientific evidence supporting Buteyko principles.

In addition to working one to one with anxiety, depression, panic disorder, trauma and other mental health conditions, Mike works with clients individually and in groups to reduce the symptoms of physical ailments including asthma, COPD, insomnia, and sleep apnoea. Clients have also reported a reduction in symptoms for a range of other conditions.

Mike says:

“I believe that it is a sense of anxiety experienced as unwanted thoughts and unpleasant bodily sensations that motivates people to seek help via psychotherapy. I have found that ‘talking therapy’ is far more effective when the underlying physiological components are addressed. Teaching the Buteyko Method can give clients a set of tools and techniques to assist them in living a happier and healthier life. Because Buteyko Breathing improves the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the brain, organs, muscles and other tissues it is likely that there are many other mental and physical conditions that could benefit from the Buteyko Method”.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086 388 2826

philip o dea imgPhilip O’Dea – Co. Clare

Philip O’Dea has qualified as a Buteyko Clinic Instructor. Philip is living in Co. Clare and is practicing both in person and online in the beautiful vale of Belvoir, Sixmilebridge, close to the 12 O’Clock hills. I also teach The Alexander Technique.

I became interested in the Buteyko method when I was training to become an Alexander Technique Teacher when I was staying in Galway. My house mate attended the Buteyko seminars and we started to wear the tape at night and doing the exercises. I continue to use the tape on my mouth at night and follow the exercises. I took a seminar with Patrick earlier this year and decided to train so as to teach the Buteyko method. I would have been a combination of nose and mouth breather as a child often waking up in the morning with a dry mouth, since wearing the tape I don’t experience a dry mouth.

Through the training I have learnt a lot about the Biochemistry of the breath, which I will add to my experience of the importance of breathing through the nose and diaphragmatic breathing, allowing greater freedom of movement of the lower ribs, back and pelvis and coming more into the parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system.

I am passionate to help adults and teenagers in the re-education of the breath, especially in relation to unconscious breathing habits and anxiety.

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 0879030145

Rosie McMahonRosie McMahon – Ballynacally

Meet Rosie McMahon the visionary leader behind the Award-winning Shannon Estuary Way Retreat and Academy, A true luminary in the realm of health and wellness. With two decades of dedicated experience as a health and wellness coach, Rosie has made an indelible mark in the industry, positively impacting countless lives along the way.

Rosie’s journey began with a commitment to academic excellence, earning a prestigious first-class honours degree in Exercise and Health Fitness from the esteemed University of Limerick. Rosie’s solid educational foundation laid the groundwork for her career in health and wellness, setting the stage for her remarkable achievements.

A true polymath in the field, as the Director Rosie holds an impressive 500-hour yoga teacher and trainer certification, demonstrating her deep understanding of the mind-body connection. As a life coach, she empowers individuals to reach their full potential, guiding them towards a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

But her expertise doesn’t stop there. Rosie also possesses the healing touch as a certified massage and sound therapist, utilizing the power of touch and sound to restore balance and well-being. Furthermore, her mastery extends to the metaphysical realm, as she holds the prestigious title of Reiki Master Teacher and Trainer, sharing the profound art of energy healing with others.

In her relentless pursuit of holistic well-being, Rosie as the Director has added another feather to her cap by becoming a certified Buteyko Breath Training Instructor, showcasing her commitment to innovative and holistic approaches to health. Breathing, after all, is the very essence of life, and she is dedicated to helping others unlock its potential for enhanced health and vitality.

With a portfolio that includes an array of wellness modalities, Rosie is an accomplished professional who has not only cultivated her own expertise but has also dedicated herself to empowering others with her knowledge and wisdom. The Shannon Estuary Way Retreat and Academy, under her guidance, stands as a testament to her unwavering commitment to promoting health, happiness, and transformation in the lives of all who cross its threshold. Her journey is a beacon of inspiration, offering a holistic path to well-being and self-discovery.

Contact: Rosie

Phone: 085 8519818
Email: [email protected]

Lara SlatteryLara Slattery – Tipperary

Hi my name is Lara, of Lara Energy Medicine Breath and Movement, and owner and manager at Sukha Community Cahir. I’ve been working in the area of health and wellbeing since 2007, a Reiki Master, Clinical Reflexologist, Energy and Shamanic practitioner, yoga, Pilates and Barre Teacher, I am passionate about supporting healing and wellbeing in the most natural fashion.


I work with all ages and with all types of needs, from young children to older people, I have a vast experience of working with people and businesses to encourage growth and wellbeing.

On a personal level I used the Oxygen Advantage techniques effectively for stress release, improved my asthma and allergy symptoms, and functional breath was a game changer with meditation, it was important to train and use this in clinic with my clients. I now hold womens circles, shamanic circles, and retreats and workshops and breathwork is a huge part of what we do.

I hold regular breath and wellbeing clinics, at our lovely centre in Cahir and am available to talk to groups and individuals, reach out to me on my website or Facebook and Instagram pages, I always happy to help. Lara.

Location: Ireland, county Tipperary.

Phone: 0872055213

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