What are the differences between Buteyko Method and Oxygen Advantage® instructor trainings?

The Buteyko Method is more targeted towards health, and focuses on asthma and respiratory problems, sleep disorders (including insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea), as well as panic disorder and anxiety.

The Buteyko Method can be practiced by relatively healthy people as well as people who are quite unwell. A program for children and teenagers is also included.

Oxygen Advantage® (OA) features breathing techniques aimed at healthy people.

The method is designed to improve mental and physical performance and boost recovery. It is popular amongst athletes, both recreational and professional. Programs are also included for police, military, athletes and corporates.

Each instructor training is separate and includes instructor manual, training portal, monthly refresher and materials to help with your clients.

The question comes down to – who would you like to work with?

  • Typically, clients who attend for Buteyko do so to improve their existing health condition(s).
  • If you want to work with clients facing different and often challenging health problems – then the Buteyko Method is best.
  • Typically, clients who attend for OA do so to improve their physical or mental performance.
  • If you want to work with healthy people to improve performance – then OA is best.
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