Buteyko Professionals International is committed to ensuring that all clients receive the highest standards of professional care during their instruction in the Buteyko Breathing Method. Our Code of Conduct and Ethics relates to professional and ethical behaviour, and establishes standards for members of Buteyko Professionals International. It does not claim to be fully comprehensive; rather it sets out principles to which members agree to adhere. It is expected that they will also adhere to any other professional Codes they are bound by.

An individual who is a Buteyko ‘professional’ is one who can justify a claim to provide a high quality Buteyko Breathing Method service of value to society, and who accepts the duties entailed in that claim, including:

  • Achieving and maintaining high standards of education, training and practice
  • Taking responsibility for the continuous development of personal competencies
  • Honouring the special relationship of trust with clients and colleagues
  • The application of expert knowledge, judgement and skills
  • Contributing to the achievement of Buteyko Professionals International’s goals
  • The acceptance and habitual exercise of ethical values. Foremost of these are honesty, loyalty, fairness, commitment, and confidentiality.



The Buteyko Professionals International Code of Conduct sets out fundamental principles to guide members in their professional conduct, and their relationships with clients, other stakeholders, colleagues, and the community.

At all times a member shall uphold the good standing and reputation of Buteyko professionals, and while providing instruction on the Buteyko Breathing Method shall:

1) Abide by the law of the country in which they provide a Buteyko breathing re-training service

2) Make no false claim in relation to the Buteyko Breathing Method. In addition, advertisements should reflect the high standard the public expect of professionals in the health care field. Advertisements in all forms should abide by the code of advertising practice in the country where the Buteyko professional offers her or his service.

3) Provide a clear explanation to clients of the theory underlying the Buteyko Breathing Method so that clients are motivated to participate fully in the training and incorporate what they learn into their daily lives, thus empowering them to improve their health

4) Try to maximise client adherence to the Buteyko Method exercises and other recommended activities

5) Not misuse or abuse power or position, by for example, avoiding behaviour that could be regarded as exploiting a client for financial, emotional or sexual reasons

6) Provide the best possible advice and care, taking account of each client’s state of health and medical history

7) Follow guidelines as laid down from time-to-time by the Executive Council of Buteyko Professionals International

8) Provide instruction to children under the age of 18 years, only if a parent or guardian consents and is present during the lessons

9) Pursue competence and integrity in all their activities

10) Take the same care to deliver an ethical and professional service, whether the service be paid for or provided free of charge.

11) At all times, ensure that all information provided by a client is kept in strict confidence. Consent in writing must always be obtained from a client if a Buteyko professional wants to make use of any information concerning an individual case for promotional, referral, or other purposes. In addition, the client should understand the nature and extent of any disclosure.

12) Uphold the goals of Buteyko Professionals International and where possible make an active contribution towards its growth

13) Openly declare any personal interest, which might seem to involve a conflict of loyalties within Buteyko Professionals International

14) Acknowledge any limitations in their level of professional competence or  their knowledge in respect to the Buteyko Breathing Method and seek to address this, for example, by contacting the Mentoring Advisor and/or self-directed professional development.

15) Be in possession of full professional indemnity insurance whilst offering a Buteyko Breathing Method service

16) Provide their services in premises of good professional standard

17) Ensure that the safety of clients be given every consideration, both physically and psychologically

18) Work in a cooperative way with other healthcare providers (e.g. general practitioners), who also provide treatment for their clients

19) Maintain their own personal health as best they can, as this can influence clients and other stakeholders perception of Buteyko Professionals International and of Buteyko professionals as individuals

20) Openly cooperate and collaborate with other members of Buteyko Professionals International. This could involve e.g. (a) sharing information relating to newly published clinical research on breathing re-training or (b) valuable information on business practices.

21) Not speak disrespectfully of other Buteyko professionals in public or to clients or colleagues

22) Ensure that the responsibility for a client reducing or ceasing prescribed drugs lies with the physician who prescribed them. Where a client has made sufficient progress so that it appears they may be able to reduce or cease any prescribed medication, this is to be done by the client in conjunction with the client’s prescribing physician.

23) Ensure that their terms of business are made clear to clients prior to commencement of providing any Buteyko services.

24) As an international group/community of Buteyko professionals (as distinct from a professional body), Buteyko Professionals International accepts no responsibility for negative or critical feedback or complaints, from any individual who is learning, or has been taught he Buteyko Breathing Method by a Buteyko Professionals International member or any other Buteyko professional.

31 July 2015 BPI Code 31.7.51

New York
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