button breathing test

(provided by www.Buteyko.ru)

1. Headaches , convulsions.

2. Dizziness , fainting.

3. Sleep disturbance.

4. The noise in my ears.

5. Fatigue.

6. Irritability.

7. Hot temper.

8. Poor concentration.

9. The deterioration of hearing.

10. Peresteziya ( loss of sensitivity , usually the limbs ).

11. Trembling in my sleep.

12. Tremor and teak.

13. Flashing in the eyes , the grid before his eyes.

14. The increase in intraocular pressure.

15. Pain when moving eyes upward and sideways.

16. Cruise , type dientsefalnyh and vegetodistonichnyh ( sweating , chilliness , unexplainable chills ).

17. Instability of body temperature types termonevroza.

18. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism , distireoza.

19. Obesity.

20. Depletion.

21. The phenomena of pathological climate.

22. Toxaemia of pregnancy.

23. Fibroids.

24. Mastopathy.

25. Infertility.

26. Miscarriage.

27. Erosion and polyps of the cervix.

28. Painful periods and violations of the cycle.

29. Spasms of the larynx and bronchial tubes ( asthma ).

30. Shortness of breath.

31. Mouth breathing.

32. Respiratory arrhythmia.

33. Periodic feeling of lack of air.

34. The feeling of inferiority inspiration.

35. Feeling limited mobility of the chest.

36. Fear of heat.

37. Rhinitis type vasomotor.

38. Loss of smell.

39. Laryngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis.

40. The tendency to colds (bronchitis , influenza ).

41. Cough dry or with phlegm.

42. Dry mouth or nasopharynx.

43. Radioporazheniya.

44. Emphysema.

45. Chronic pneumonia.

46. Bronchiectasis and spontaneous pneumothorax.

47. Chest pain of various kinds.

48. Violation of posture.

49. Tachycardia.

50. Extrasystoles.

51. Paroxysmal tachycardia.

52. A spasm of vessels of the heart, limbs, brain, kidneys.

53. Protein in the urine.

54. Nocturnal enuresis.

55. Oxalate , lithate in the urine.

56. Nocturia.

57. Chill limbs and other areas.

58. Pain in the heart.

59. Angina.

60. Hypertension.

61. Varicose veins.

62. Marbling of the skin.

63. Angiasthenia ( bleeding gums , nosebleeds ).

64. Vibrantly different areas ( pulsing noises in the ears ).

65. Myocardial infarction.

66. Stroke.

67. Hypercoagulability.

68. Thrombosis ( thrombophlebitis ).

69. Giperholisterinemiya.

70. Eosinophilia.

71. Anemia.

72. Decrease , increased appetite.

73. Drooling.

74. Loss of taste or perversion.

75. Pain in the epigastric region.

76. Colitis (constipation, diarrhea).

77. Pain in right hypochondrium.

78. Heartburn.

79. Belching.

80. Nausea , vomiting.

81. Flatulence.

82. Gastritis and peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal.

83. Rapid physical fatigue.

84. Pain in the muscles.

85. Cramps.

86. Pain in long bones.

87. Dryness of the skin.

88. Pustular rash.

89. Itching.

90. Eczema.

91. Psoriasis.

92. Pallor.

93. Acrocyanosis.

94. Quincke’s edema.

95. Pasty face.

96. Lipomatosis.

97. Infiltrates ( postinektsionnye ).

98. Osteophytes and salt deposits.

99. Deposits of cholesterol in the skin

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