Buteyko Breathing Instructors – Iowa

Allison Peet imgAllison Peet, CertBBM, Certified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor – Des Moines, Iowa

Allison Peet is a certified Buteyko Breathing Method instructor and incorporates functional breathing re-education and habit change for clients overcoming anxiety, panic disorders, toxic stress, breathlessness, and also supports people who want to enjoy more regular and efficient breathing to maintain optimal health and wellness.

She is a certified MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) Instructor trained at UMass Center for Mindfulness, founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD and the Mindfulness Center at Brown University. She is trained through Mindful Schools and is also a registered yoga instructor.

Hundreds have graduated her MBSR course that reduced perceived toxic stress levels an average of 34%. Of those graduates, 80% lowered their stress levels. She’s completed multiple week-long+ silent meditation retreats and has a daily practice.

Allison has a personal path of living and working with chronic stress and anxiety which is why she started her own business in 2015, From Within Wellness, LLC, to serve others.

Allison Peet teaches in Des Moines, Iowa area and live online.

Contact Details:

Email: [email protected]
Website: https://fromwithinwellness.com/
Phone: 515-344-8516

buteykodvd 1A self help Buteyko Breathing course is available on DVD. The Buteyko DVD is the complete instruction as presented by Buteyko instructor and author Patrick McKeown. During the two hour DVD, Patrick instructs five adults and two children how to sucessfully apply the Buteyko Breathing Therapy.

The DVD Buteyko set includes 2 hour DVD, a detailed training book, CD and follow up support. The total cost of Buteyko DVD which includes shipping to anywhere in the USD or Canada is 50 US dollars. For further information including some free video segments is available from www.ButeykoDVD.com

Pam Steinick - West Des Moines Pam Steinick – West Des Moines

My name is Pam Steinick, and I live in the midwest of the United States, and work in the metro area of Des Moines, Iowa.  I have been an Occupational Therapist since 1991, and became a Certified Yoga Therapist in the SomaYoga methodology (blending Somatics and Therapeutic yoga) in 2020.  I see clients now for private sessions and small group classes and workshops, focused on finding balance from the inside using Somatics and breath re-education and then use yoga poses to help people move better; with more ease.  I see a range of clients, from those with persistent/chronic pain with issues such as chronic back pain, sciatica, shoulder and neck issues, MS, scoliosis, fibromyalgia, asthma, etc. to high school and ironman athletes. I also work with those that have stress, anxiety, and trauma, as stress causes imbalances in the breath and the physical body as well, and using the Kosha layers and Yamas and Niyamas (from yoga), as well as breath and Somatics, helps people find relief and ease.  Both Somatics (which is neuromuscular retraining, or looking at muscle imbalances by retraining the patterns in the brain rather than stretching the muscle tissues) and Buteyko breath re-education, helps empower my clients to be more aware of what’s happening in their neuromuscular, respiratory, and nervous systems, AND make changes so that these systems are working as efficiently and as balanced as they can.  These methods literally affect every body system, to help people feel better, breathe better, and therefore, suffer less.

I see people primarily at my office located inside Core Physical Therapy in West Des Moines, Iowa, but can also do virtual sessions for those that are located outside of my area.  I also offer a small therapeutic class called Persistent Pain, which is a class focused on breath re-education and Somatic movements to find better balance and ease in your core, in person only.  I also offer workshops focused on Somatic movements and building into the yoga poses (for better functional movement) and breath re-education.  I am part of the faculty of Yoga North International SomaYoga Institute as well, and offer the 200 and 500 hour Therapeutic SomaYoga Trainings in West Des Moines.

My business is Atha SomaYoga, and you can find me at www.athasomayoga.com.

Find info for Therapeutic SomaYoga training with Yoga North here: https://www.yoganorthduluth.com/

Email: [email protected],
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ATHASomaYoga
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/athasomayoga/

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