Book by Funda Askinoglu in Turkish
Book Name: Tuy Gibi Hafif Buteyko Nefes Metodu, 2nd Edition
A guide to Buteyko Breathing Method for Mindfulness.
Books by Dr. Fiamma Ferraro: (In Italian)
“Attacco all’Asma… e non solo”
3rd Edition, Edited by Macroedizioni, also available in e-book format.
Butheyko method for overcoming asthma (& not only asthma) – Scientific & physiological foundations, practical training and “good breathing” habits.
“Combattre l’Asthme” (In french)
Macro editions. French translation of the italian book.
Books by Paul Rodriguez: (In English)
“Breathless Sleep…no more. A compelling case study”
Description: My book is part memoir, part manual and part submission. It is a memoir of not only my personal struggle with sleep apnoea but is also an exploration of certain aspects of the science of this prevalent sleep disorder. It is a manual – not in the classic textbook sense – as I am not a Buteyko instructor/educator. Rather, it is a manual which instructs the desperate sleep deprived client in the experiences of one who undertook a Buteyko course as he did not tolerate CPAP and who was drawn to a natural treatment. It is a submission or case study of the factors which led to my successful control of sleep apnoea through Buteyko breathing.
Books by Arend Hoiting: (In Dutch)
“Adem minder- genees jezelf”
Description: Covers COPD, asthma, chronic bronchitis, allergic respiratory disease, hypertension, heart disease: small vessel disease, atrial fibrillation, heart palpitations, varicose veins, eczema, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, anxiety, Chronic Hyperventilation, fatigue, stress, training cyclists while nose breathing.