Buteyko Breathing Instructors – Nebraska

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Amber Stull

Amber is a myofunctional therapist. Her primary focus is helping kids improve sleep quality by improving airway health. Over the past 5 years, working with kids who experience emotional outbursts, bedwetting, and wired but tired behavior, she believes that breathing is a core piece to whole body health.

Teaching the Buteyko Breathing Method as part of her myofunctional therapy programs has helped many patients improve their mood, decrease bedwetting symptoms, and wake up feeling refreshed.

To work with Amber online, send her an email or visit her website!

Email: [email protected]

Website: monumentmyo.com



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Rich Bennett

A native of Nebraska, Mr Bennett has practiced hygiene since 2008.

He and his wife Dr Ranti Aryani are passionate about the services we provide: One-stop – Children and Adult – Airway-Centerd Dentistry, along with TMJ, Myofunctional and Buteyko Breathing Therapy.

We welcome and serve patients of all ages and all conditions.

Email: [email protected]
Website: presidentialdentalcare.com

buteykodvd 1A self help Buteyko Breathing course is available on DVD. The Buteyko DVD is the complete instruction as presented by Buteyko instructor and author Patrick McKeown. During the two hour DVD, Patrick instructs five adults and two children how to sucessfully apply the Buteyko Breathing Therapy.

The DVD Buteyko set includes 2 hour DVD, a detailed training book, CD and follow up support. The total cost of Buteyko DVD which includes shipping to anywhere in the USD or Canada is 50 US dollars. For further information including some free video segments is available from www.ButeykoDVD.com

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