Buteyko Breathing Instructors – New Mexico

KimballEmily Kimball

My inspiration to become a Certified Buteyko Instructor stemmed from my personal experience as an asthmatic and understanding simply put, The Buteyko Breathing Method works! In the beginning, I studied with Robert Littman in Tucson AZ and went on to study and become certified in Cleveland, Ohio under the tutelage of Patrick McKeown. We worked with respiratory patients from both St. Johns and The Cleveland Clinic for instructor training. I am certified through Buteyko Clinic USA and am a member of the Buteyko Breathing Educators Association.

I offer online consultations and workshops as well as instruction in my Santa Fe, New Mexico office.

Contact me to schedule a free consultation: 505-984-8687

2susanSusan Conant

My curiosity and fascination with “alternative health practices” was sparked by an auto accident in 1993. Studying Chi Gung for self care then led to Asian bodywork and an eventual career change. I have been a licensed massage therapist and certified member of the American Body Therapies of Asia since 1997. I practice an eclectic mix of Asian and Western deep tissue techniques in Las Cruces, New Mexico .

[email protected]

Clara EvansClara Evans – Santa Fe, New Mexico

M.A. in Education



My name is Clara and I love breathing.

I love to help others breathe better so much that it takes my breath away.  And, as a Buteyko Certified Instructor, it is my passion to ease the discomfort of folks of any age and any walk of life from problems such as anxiety, snoring, panic attacks and a host of sleep disorders.

How, you say?  Let’s get Breathing!

As a natural lifelong educator/director/administrator, both here and abroad, I have seen it all.  Breathing problems affect learning and overall well-being.

I can be found breathing it in sea level Los Angeles and breathing it in high altitude 7k Santa Fe, NM and in Mexico too.

Let’s breathe together.


Clara Evans

Hablo Español

E-mail   [email protected]

M.A. en Educación


Me llamo Clara y me fascina respirar.

¡Me encanta tanto ayudar a otros a respirar mejor que me deja sin aliento! Y, como instructora certificada en Buteyko, es mi pasión ayudar a personas de cualquier edad a mejorar problemas como la ansiedad, ronquidos, ataques de pánico y un gran número de trastornos del sueño.

¿Cómo? Tal vez preguntes. ¡Pues, empecemos a respirar!

He sido educadora, directora y administradora de escuelas aquí y en el extranjero, y he visto mucho. Los problemas respiratorios afectan el aprendizaje y el bienestar en general.

Me puedes encontrar respirando al nivel del mar en Los Ángeles y respirando en alta altitud a siete mil pies en Santa Fe, NM y también en México.

¡Así que vamos a respirar juntos!


Clara Evans
[email protected]

buteykodvdA self help Buteyko Breathing course is available on DVD. The Buteyko DVD is the complete instruction as presented by Buteyko instructor and author Patrick McKeown. During the two hour DVD, Patrick instructs five adults and two children how to sucessfully apply the Buteyko Breathing Therapy.

The DVD Buteyko set includes 2 hour DVD, a detailed training book, CD and follow up support. The total cost of Buteyko DVD which includes shipping to anywhere in the USD or Canada is 50 US dollars. For further information including some free video segments is available from www.ButeykoDVD.com

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