Buteyko Breathing Instructors – Pennsylvania

THADDEUSThaddeus Babiec – Buteyko Philadelphia, Buteyko PA

Thaddeus Babiec, BS, NSCA-CPT

A graduate of Sargent College at Boston University, he received his national certification as a personal trainer and offers training in strength and conditioning. He is also undergoing an internship with the Strength and Conditioning department at Northeastern University. He previously interned at the National Running Center at Spaulding Hospital, a member of the Partners Health Network, and Harvard University affiliate. Thaddeus became a certified Buteyko instructor in 2014. He trained under Patrick McKeown, currently on of the world’s top instructors of the Buteyko Method

With a passion for sports, 20 years of participation, 4 of those as a D1 rower for the BU terriers, and now applying his knowledge to assist athletes young and old, he is taking a lot of what the Buteyko Method has to offer and applying it towards improving sports performance. He is currently working at Equinox, a health club in Chestnut Hill, MA. He is hoping to work with anyone and everyone who feels they might be able to benefit from the Buteyko Method. Athletes looking to improve performance are encouraged to give it a try as well.

Tel : 703-300-2453
Email : [email protected]

Renee Marks imgRenee Marks – State College, PA

Renee Marks’ career path as a dental hygienist, clinical educator, university faculty member and myofunctional therapist led her to become a certified Buteyko trainer. As a clinician for over 30 years, her experience is with airway centric general and periodontal dental practices.

While caring for patients she saw up close the end results for patients whose airway, sleep apnea and breathing issues led to bruxism, TMJ pain, tooth loss as well as medical complications

Incorrect swallowing and mouth breathing create cranio-facial changes which significantly impair both health and appearance. So much can be prevented or resolved with facilitating proper development and growth of the jaws and face. Because a primary goal of Oral Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)is to establish proper nasal breathing, Renee teaches Buteyko Breathing as a stand-alone or weaves the Buteyko exercises into her OMT therapy program.

Address : Renee Marks RDH, MS OMT 611 University Drive State College, PA 16801
Tel : 814-234-0329

Rhonda R NovakRhonda R Novak – Bryn Mawr, PA

RDH, Myofunctional Therapist, Certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor. 

I work as a Myofuncyional Therapist and Buteyko Breathing instructor in Bryn Mawr, PA, USA. 

I work with adults and children applying Myofunctional therapy for people with Sleep Apnea, pain and dysfunction in the head, neck and mouth and dysfunctional breathing disorders.

I can be contacted at The Pain and Sleep Therapy Center in Bryn Mawr, PA. 
[email protected]

kate bruniKate Bruni, M.S., CCC-SLP – Bryn Mawr, PA

Kate is an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist and Certified Buteyko Breathing educator at the Pain and Sleep Therapy Center in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.  Kate has been a licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist for over 15 years.  After many years of providing speech therapy in a variety of settings, Kate realized that many of her clients and her own children were struggling with underlying Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders, so she decided to specialize in this critical therapy.  Her passion for health and wellness led her to further her education into breathing and how this impacts development, growth, sleep, pain management, speech and swallowing.  Kate is devoted to understanding and implementing the latest research into each individual therapy session.  She is uniquely qualified to treat children and adults who struggle with nasal breathing, oral rest posture and chewing and swallowing difficulties. 

Kate received her Master’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Vermont. She trained under Samantha Weaver and Joy Moeller at the Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (AOMT). She was also personally mentored by and Lauren Reinholt, RDH OMT-QOM. Kate later studied the Buteyko breathing method with the world renowned Patrick McKeown. 

She focuses on helping children, teenagers, and adults establish proper tongue placement, nasal breathing, and correct chewing and swallowing patterns. This treatment approach allows her to help patients reach their full genetic potential and prevent a lifetime of problems that would otherwise not have been addressed in our current medical model of healthcare.  Kate believes in a whole-team approach and works with many health care providers including Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Orthodontists, Periodontists, Otolaryngologists, Craniosacral Fascial Therapists, Osteopathic Medicine Physicians, Functional Medicine Physicians, Allergists, etc, in order to offer the most integrative and comprehensive approach to help her patients reach their goals!

Speech Language Pathologist
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist
Buteyko Breathing Instructor

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.painandsleepcenter.com
Tel: 610-973-6595
1149 Lancaster Avenue, Unit 5
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

buteykodvd 1A self help Buteyko Breathing course is available on DVD. The Buteyko DVD is the complete instruction as presented by Buteyko instructor and author Patrick McKeown. During the two hour DVD, Patrick instructs five adults and two children how to sucessfully apply the Buteyko Breathing Therapy.

The DVD Buteyko set includes 2 hour DVD, a detailed training book, CD and follow up support. The total cost of Buteyko DVD which includes shipping to anywhere in the USD or Canada is 50 US dollars. For further information including some free video segments is available from www.ButeykoDVD.com

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