Buteyko Breathing Clinic Instructors – Philippines

Ciaran Image

Ciaran McKeown BA, MA Counselling & Psychotherapy, FBPI

Ciaran McKeown learnt Buteyko in the early 2000s as a way of managing his asthma and anxiety. Impressed by the efficacy of the method he worked with his brother Patrick McKeown to incorporate it into his breathwork training and therapy sessions for over 15 years. During this time he has taught students with a diverse range of abilities and needs through voluntary and paid classes.

A registered counsellor and Samaritans volunteer, Ciaran believes that to be a good teacher, personal experience matters just as much as professional proficiency. He says that both are what enable you to relate to your students and find solutions that fit them.

For new students to the Buteyko method, particularly those who suffer from anxiety, he advises that they experiment with the exercises and treat the techniques as being a way to discover their breath rather than be overly demanding of themselves. At least for the first couple of weeks. This is why he prescribes every student with a unique plan.

What is Ciaran up to now? He currently teaches students and practitioners through one to one online and face to face classes.

netherlands Charles FlorendoCharles Edward G. Florendo, MD – Buteyko Philippines

Dr. Charles Edward Florendo received his Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology from the University of Santo Tomas in 2000. He then attained his Doctorate in Medicine also from the University of Santo Tomas in 2005. Shortly after graduating, he became a missionary physician, serving as head of the Out Patient Department at the Mary Health of Africa Hospital, a primary AIDS referral center in the forests of Cameroon, Africa. He was originally trained in the Buteyko Method by senior Buteyko instructor, Mr. Jac Vidgen. He then received additional training and was certified as a Buteyko Instructor by the Asthmahilfe Foundation in Austria, Buteyko Breathing Association in England, and by the Buteyko Clinic International. While in Africa, he organized the training of African health workers in the use of the Buteyko Method. He co-founded the Controlled Breathing Association, which oversees and promotes the use of the method in Cameroon. Dr. Florendo has taught the Buteyko Method to patients and health workers in Africa, the United States, and the Buteyko Philippines. Address: Mary Chiles General Hospital, 667 Dalupan Street, Sampaloc, Metro Manila, Philippines

Contact Charles at [email protected]
W: BreathingExpert.com

Kecskes Marton AdorjanKecskes Marton Adorjan

After struggling for 23 years with seasonal depression, social anxiety, allergies, frequent colds that would turn into full blown asthma attacks followed by hospitalization and having conventional symptomatic treatment (inhalers, steroids) Mr. Ady first learnt about the Buteyko Method in Hungary in 2013. It was a lifechanging experience. It was the first time ever he regained control of his health, became asthma free and could manage more easily his anxiety and depression. Regaining his health, finishing his Masters studies in Music & Education he embarked on a global journey and became a digital nomad. After dedicating 1000s of hours and several years learning informally about human behavior (one of his passions), traveling/working/living in more than 55 countries and further refining his own Buteyko Self-Practice with other elements (Clinical Dietary Protocols) he decided to become an accredited and certified Buteyko Clinic Practitioner in 2020. His dedicated self-practice allowed him to achieve great results (4-6 hour sleep, 30-40 sec MCP/BOLT score). He is mostly based in Asia with occasional relocations to Europe & the Americas. Aside from his dedicated profession he is also interested in languages (being fluent in 4), cultures (continues to travel), personality psychology (to tailor & customize his services, Big5) and the latest cancer research (PKD, metabolic health) and on a broader scale about lifestyle disease in general.

To make the Buteyko Method more accessible in Asia he provides online instruction at very low cost!!!

[email protected]
Facebook Messenger: Ady Kecskes
Current Whatsapp (subject to change): +639913164334


20220728 171758Dr. Lindsay V. Bancosta – Manila

            I am a Doctor of Dental Medicine holding a private practice based in Manila, Philippines. Our core treatment focuses on orthopedic-orthodontic correction with respect to the stomatognathic system, structural integrity, and functional cranial system. The patients’ occlusion or bite serves as a self-correcting mechanism to stabilize the cranium as it relates to bodily form and function.

            Any occlusal disharmony will greatly affect the whole skeletal structure and the body undergoes adaptation which leads to Autonomic Nervous System imbalance. This adaptation compromises on how a person speaks, breathe, swallow, walk and sleep.

            Occlusal lesion is considerably preventable, it starts with the proper craniofacial development during a child’s growth. Dental Practitioners plays a vital role to discern early signs of deficiencies. Recognition of tongue issues (tongue-tie, tongue posture, tongue space, tongue size), frenum attachments, tonsils/adenoids, nasal function, oral/parafunctional habits, nocturnal bruxism, snoring, sleep hygiene, eating habits/diet, body posture and breathing pattern. Early treatment is highly encouraged to arrest further deviation from the norm. Redirection of the growth pattern is greatly influenced by having the tongue resting at the roof of the mouth, no stimulation of masticatory muscles and have a lip seal during rest to facilitate functional breathing dynamics. Integration of breath work leans to more stable result.

            I have substantially witnessed as to how Buteyko Breathing Method has given significant support to Functional Dentistry and Sleep Dental Medicine. And I am truly grateful of Patrick McKeown for his generous heart on sharing this modality to the world. It is indeed a breathing cure!

            I love to work with children and adults. Reeducating them of the true breathing dynamics towards optimum bodily form, comfort, and function.

Email: [email protected]

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