Buteyko Breathing Clinic Instructors – Romania

Maria DobosMaria Dobos, Romania

After 15 years, as a HR and Career Consultant within London’s corporate world, I have made my mission in life to guide and to teach people how to improve their mental, physical and emotional health. I personally healed and recovered from illness through the power of Breath, Yoga and Meditation.

My studies have been influenced by renowned teachers, both from the western world, as from the eastern world, such as India, where I lived, studied and also taught over the years.

Back in 2012 I came across Buteyko Breathing which had a major impact in my life. I trained alongside Patrick Mckeown in London, and beside being a Buteyko Master Instructor, I’ve also became an Oxygen Advantage® one.

I am currently based in Arad, Romania, where I set up ArcAcademy, and I’m currently working with both consumers and corporates guiding them to enhance their overall wellbeing through Buteyko Breathing Method, Oxygen Advantage® Techniques, Yoga, Hormone Yoga Therapy, Meditation and NLP.

I am very passionate to teaching more and more people about the power of breath.

Contact Details

Mobile : +40 743 418 519
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://arcacademy.ro/

MarinelaDr. Banica Marinela Ana


42A, Roma str.
0117775, Bucharest

[email protected]


Nina Alexandru – Buteyko Romania

Nina Alexandru, license in Management financial accounting. After searching and tried everything that could help her son to control his asthma, to improve his health and well-being, she found on the internet about the astonishing results of Buteyko Method. After reading thousands of amazing testimonials and information she was determined to become a Buteyko instructor to teach and help people to find out about this extraordinary therapy, which is allowing to reduce their dependency on medication and enjoy a quality of life they previously thought will be impossible. She has been trained in using and teaching Buteyko, she became a certified instructor and has fully qualified as Buteyko Clinic Instructor, accredited by Patrick McKeown. She is now an instructor for the clinic “Metoda Buteyko” in Bucharest, Romania.

Nina Alexandru,licentiata in MFC. Dupa indelungi cautari si dupa ce a incercat toate metodele posibile pentru a isi ajuta fiul sa isi poata controla astmul,sa isi imbunatateasca sanatatea si bunastarea,a gasit informatii despre Metoda Buteyko .Citind mii de declaratii si vazand rezultatele uimitoare ale acestei terapii,s-a decis ca trebuie sa devina un instructor acreditat si sa poata invata si ajuta la randul sau oamenii ,ca acestia sa poata duce o viata de calitate ,fara sa fie dependenti de medicamente.A fost antrenata sa foloseasca si sa predea metoda Buteyko,a devenit un instructor acreditat si calificat al clinicii Asthma Care din Irlanda,profesorul sau fiind chiar cunoscutul Patrick McKeown.

In prezent ,Nina isi desfasoara activitatea ca practician in tehnica de respiratie Buteyko in Romania Bucuresti , la clinica sa Metoda Buteyko.

Orban Laszlo Attila

Orbán László Attila – Csíkszeredá, Romania

A nevem Orbán László Attila, Romániában, Csíkszeredában lakom, ahol aikidót, kickboxot gyakorlok és oktatok, valamint személyi edzőként is dolgozom.

Táplálkozási tanácsadó is vagyok, a Precision Nutrition L1-es képzést végeztem el, és célcsoportom a túlsúlyos átlagember.

A személyi edzői és táplálkozási tanácsadói munkám során egyre gyakrabban ütközöm olyan problémákba mint a szorongás, a kialvatlanság, mely problémák megszüntetése, csökkentése, komoly fejlődési lehetőségeket kínál.

Ezen oknál fogva végeztem el a Buteyko oktatói képzést, és ugyanezen kliensekkel dolgozva kívánom fejlődésüket még látványosabbá és tartósabbá tenni.

Elérhetőségem: [email protected], vagy a 0740059490 -es telefonszám.

Numele meu este László Attila Orbán, locuiesc în Miercurea Ciuc, România, unde practic și predau aikido, kickboxing și lucrez ca antrenor personal.

Sunt, de asemenea, tehnician nutrișionist, am absolvit cursurile de formare Precision Nutrition L1, iar grupul meu țintă este reprezentat de persoanele obișnuite supraponderale.

În cursul activității mele de antrenor personal și consultant în nutriție, mă confrunt din ce în ce mai des cu probleme precum anxietatea și lipsa somnului, care oferă un mare potențial de îmbunătățire dacă sunt eliminate și reduse.

Din acest motiv, am urmat cursul de formare Buteyko și, lucrând cu aceiași clienți, vreau să le fac progresul și mai spectaculos și mai durabil.

Pot fi contactat la [email protected] sau la numărul de telefon 0740059490 .

WhatsApp Image 2022 09 27 at 2.42.57 PMBartha Minodora – Bucharest, Romania

I am an educator and specialized trainer in diffrend therapies and methods for special children. I discovered Buteyko Method a few months ago, after a long period of time of researches for support in pediatric problems such as hyperventilation and bruxism.

I am working exclusively with special children, and at this moment i also starting studying a medical form to gain a plus in my work with children. The location where i am doing all my work is the studio named „Terapia mami si bebe” (translated means „Therapy for mothers and babies”) in Romania, Bucharest.

I consider that Buteyko method is a necessary plus for any therapist that wants to help or implement therapeutical support for almost any pathology.

I can be contacted at:
Phone number: +40766406508
Email: [email protected]
Place: „Terapia mami si bebe”  –  Romania, Bucharest, B-dul Apicultorilor, nr 17

Dumuta Adrian - Cluj-NapocaDumuta Adrian – Cluj-Napoca

First and foremost, I’m a human being, and then other lesser important things follow… trainer, forest therapy guide, mindfulness of breathing 3Q trainer, yoga practitioner for 10+ years, Buteyko breathing practitioner and well-being entrepreneur.

I facilitate transformative experiences that bring Awareness, cohesion and FLOW into teams, and help individuals to boost Creativity, manage stress & anxiety using: BREATHING, NATURE CONNECTION, Human 2 Human interaction.

I work with groups or individuals (adults), corporate environments but not exclusively, and I’m focused on helping adults that have asthma, sleep, or stress and anxiety problems.



Website: https://exploratio.ro/
Mobile: 040744427874
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-dumuta-380aa055/

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