Pulse Measurement

With  breath  retraining,  there  are  two  measurements that are used to monitor asthma severity and progress. These are  the  pulse, which  is a measurement of the  number  of heart  beats taken usually over a period of one minute,  and the control pause [CP], which...

Nose Unblocking Exercises

  It was outlined in earlier blog entry how a reduction  in  carbon  dioxide levels causes an increase in mucus secretion and constriction of the airways. The nose forms part of the air system and is usually the first part to become constricted. The following is a...

Nasal Breathing … Why all the fuss?

Why is it that nasal breathing can be so much more beneficial to us than mouth breathing? The nose has a number  of features designed to bring cold dry outside air to a more acceptable condition before it enters the lungs.  The mouth,  however,  is  not  intended to...

Basic Breathing Retraining

  There are three basic steps towards breath retraining:   ✦   Step One Become very aware of your breathing.  Feel, watch and listen to your breathing  as much as you can during the day, paying particular attention to what causes you to take big breaths. Ask yourself...

Breaking the Overbreathing Habit

  As babies  we instinctively  know how to breathe  using  the diaphragm,  with the tummy moving up and down with each breath. For the most part, the breathing  volume matches the exact needs of the metabolism;  this is how the human  body was intended to function and...
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