Gaye Lawrence

This book and CD is really helpful for people suffering with breathing problems. Very easy to follow and understand useful tips for people with COPD

Brenda McKinnon Lamont

I Skyped with Patrick many times and he watched me breathe and helped me to follow his recommendations in his books. I did his exercises every day for 6 months. My difficulty to breath problems are gone and no allergies this season. A pure miracle!

Patrick Holford, Author & Nutritionist

Thousands of people have found that breathing training has helped them to control, and even overcome their asthma. If you want to teach yourself this valuable technique I thoroughly recommend you read Asthma Free Naturally by Patrick McKeown

Louise Hibbert

I read Patrick’s book in 2010 after being hospitalised with asthma for 4 days. It was an amazing discovery for me as within six months I was able to stop using all my medications. Most of the time I have my asthma completely under control and last Saturday I climbed...

Mary B. Geidel

Mr. Mckeown, I started this technique about 2 months ago. I got your book “Anxiety Free” and it has really really helped me . I am stronger, less anxious,more at ease, I sleep better. Thank you for all of this. I look forward to my excersises every morning. I started...
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