Oct 12, 2020 | Mouth Breathing
Why You Must Close Your Mouth for Better Health We take our first breath as newborn babies and carry the breath with us for a lifetime. Humans breathe around 20,000 times every day. The curious thing is, many of us are doing it wrong. In recent years, there has been a...
May 6, 2015 | Uncategorized, Mouth Breathing
What if your childs face is not developing normally? And How to recognise the signs and symptoms of poor facial growth? We all love our children and want the best for them. As a Dentist and parent myself I watched my children being born and then had to muddle my way...
Mar 27, 2014 | Anxiety, Mouth Breathing
A lower CP reflecting larger breathing volume will result in many of the symptoms below. How many do you experience? • Snoring • Sleep apnoea (holding your breath many times throughout the night) • Disrupted sleep • Sweating • Racing mind • Nightmares • Needing...
Mar 26, 2014 | Science of Sleep Disorders, Mouth Breathing, Sleep Disorders, What is Sleep Apnea?
It is inevitable that a child with a blocked nose will breathe through his mouth. Mouth breathing children often develop poor facial structures such as undeveloped chins, narrow faces and nostrils, crooked teeth, sunken cheeks and eyes, and larger noses. When a...