The Importance of Carbon Dioxide – By Patrick McKeown

When we take a breath of fresh air into our lungs, oxygen passes from the lungs to the blood where it is picked up and carried through the blood vessels by a molecule called haemoglobin. This oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart throughout the body so that...

What is over-breathing? By Patrick McKeown

Breathing can be measured in two ways: the first is to count the number of breaths per minute; the second is to determine the size of each breath. Normal breathing rate for a grown adult at rest is about twelve breaths per minute, taking in half a litre of air per...

Doctors Gasp at Buteyko Success

BUTEYKO breathing hyperventilation exercises in patients with asthma reduced beta agonist use by 90% and improved symptoms, according to preliminary results of a randomised, controlled trial in Brisbane.However, there were no changes in major physiological parameters...

Russian Technique Helps Asthmatics

A breathing technique similar to that which allows Russian cosmonauts to survive a long time in outer space is being used to help asthma sufferers in Australia and New Zealand.An Australian study has shown that the breathing exercises are successful, allowing asthma...
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