Nov 24, 2015 | Anxiety, Asthma, Asthma and Exercise, Asthma and Food, Exercises to Combat Asthma, Exercises to Combat Sleep Disorders, History of Buteyko, How is Your Breathing, Information about Buteyko, Science of Sleep Disorders, Sleep Disorders, The Facts About Asthma, What is Insomnia?, What is Sleep Apnea?, What is Snoring?, Your Breathing Muscles
When we take a breath of fresh air into our lungs, oxygen passes from the lungs to the blood where it is picked up and carried through the blood vessels by a molecule called haemoglobin. This oxygen-rich blood is then pumped by the heart throughout the body so that...
Nov 24, 2015 | Anxiety, Asthma, Asthma and Exercise, Exercises to Combat Asthma, Exercises to Combat Sleep Disorders, How is Your Breathing, Information about Buteyko, Sleep Disorders, The Facts About Asthma, What is Insomnia?, What is Sleep Apnea?, What is Snoring?
Breathing can be measured in two ways: the first is to count the number of breaths per minute; the second is to determine the size of each breath. Normal breathing rate for a grown adult at rest is about twelve breaths per minute, taking in half a litre of air per...
Jun 27, 2014 | Information about Buteyko
BUTEYKO breathing hyperventilation exercises in patients with asthma reduced beta agonist use by 90% and improved symptoms, according to preliminary results of a randomised, controlled trial in Brisbane.However, there were no changes in major physiological parameters...
Jun 27, 2014 | Asthma, Information about Buteyko
Russian scientific advancement may now be viewed by some with mixed feelings, but for years doctors in the former Soviet block have been treating asthma, emphysema and a number of other respiratory and cardiac conditions with a method that has left Australasian...
Jun 26, 2014 | Asthma, Information about Buteyko
A breathing technique similar to that which allows Russian cosmonauts to survive a long time in outer space is being used to help asthma sufferers in Australia and New Zealand.An Australian study has shown that the breathing exercises are successful, allowing asthma...
Jun 26, 2014 | Asthma, Information about Buteyko
A breathing technique similar to that which allows Russian cosmonauts to survive for long periods in outer space is being trialled in Australia to assess its application for treating asthma.In a controlled trial of asthma patients conducted in Brisbane, Buteyko...